Upward Sports
Looking for an exciting sports experience for your child in a Christian environment? Upward is focused on developing the total athlete and creating individuals with strong character, confidence and spirit.

What we offer
We offer Basketball and Cheerleading at West. Our teams are coached by members from our church, Lakeview Baptist Church, and volunteers from the community that understand the benefits of this league.
Register your child!
Please view and complete this registration form. Please bring this form to West Albemarle Baptist Church along with payment.
The Upward experience
Uniform tops will be included in cost of registration. Matching shorts will be extra.
Important Dates for the 2019-2020 Season
- November 1- December 1- Registration Open
- Nov 14, 6-8pm Evaluations
- This is to assess your children's abilities, and fit them for their uniforms
- December 9- Practices begin
- Coaches will contact you about location and time.
- January 11- Saturday Games begin
- March 6, 7pm- End of Season Party/Awards Night