
GrowthGroups provide a place during the week to help you grow and mature in your relationship with God.

Check back soon for more GrowthGroups!


Twelve Ordinary Men by John MacArthur

(Men's Study –Doctrine and Life Application)

What can the men of WABC learn from these twelve ordinary men who were used mightily by Christ? This book study will allow our men to explore all the truths found in the character of each disciple chosen by Jesus… the essential truth is that we are ordinary men who can be used by God, too.

Led by Pastor Jake in Room 206
Book Cost: $22
Includes book and study book


Health, Wealth & Happiness by David W. Jones & Russell S. Woodbridge

(Co. Ed. –Doctrine, Theology and Life Application)

Pastor Adam will pick up a thread of conviction that was present in our study of the American Gospel, which feathered Dr. Jones on the issue of the dangers of the health, wealth, and prosperity gospel. This study will elaborate on those dangers and give you insights into a healthy theology.

Led by Pastor Adam in the Wiscassett Room.
Book Cost: $6


Are You Really Ok? by Debra Fileta

(Co. Ed. –Mental Health and Spiritual Awareness)

Using a combination of science, psychology, and faith, Are You Really OK? will help you get emotionally, spiritually, mentally, and physically healthy from the inside out.

Led by Karen & Mark Allen in Room 201

Because of a very generous donation by the Extraordinary Women's Life Group, anyone who is interested in taking this very helpful course will have their book and study guide cost covered.

Praise the Lord and thank you Extraordinary Women!


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